Nandan Nilekani will give you a number in 3 years, but how will you get your unique identity?      ■ ■ ■     Couldn’t get into IIT. Rejoice>     ■ ■ ■     C.K.PRAHLAD refers to fortune at the bottom of the pyramid. But to be fortunate you have to be at its top.

The Hexagon of Success


About the Program

The Program comprises 6 modules, on Leadership, Futurology, Decision Making, Creativity Innovation and Ethics. Each module is nominally of 10 hours duration and is designed to be a very effective introduction to the subject. The Program is design to be a Motivational, Inspirational and Transformational experience that 'opens the minds' of the participants.


The 10 hours in each module are structured into 3 components as follows:


  1. This is a one hour Preparatory and Induction Session, pursued in a self-learning mode. It consists of background material, inspiring quotes and some links to web 2.0 based resources including YouTube videos.

  3. This part is of nominally 6 hours duration mainly in a didactic format with some interactivity. This may be pursued as e-learning remotely or in classrooms, in groups or one on one.

  5. This is a 3 hour post course work/mini-project to apply the learning to one's context or areas of interest. The activities to be done would cover : posting on a wiki, writing a blog, creating a series of tweets, making and uploading a video on YouTube, PowerPoint slides on SlideShare, an essay on Scribd etc. Learners would be encouraged to experience a variety of means of expression, preferably a different for each project.


A Program for Flourishing and Thriving in the 21st Century

A: This is a one hour Preparatory and Induction Session, pursued in a self-learning mode. It consists of background material, inspiring quotes and some links to web 2.0 based resources including YouTube videos.

B: This part is of nominally 6 hours duration mainly in a didactic format with some interactivity. This may be pursued as e-learning remotely or in classrooms, in groups or one on one.

Leadership 101

    1.  What is Leadership?

    2.  Theories of Leadership

    3.  Assessing Your Leadership Style and Potential

    4.  The Future of Leadership

    5.  Developing Your Leadership Plan

    6.  Executing the Plan


Futurology 101

    1.  What is Futurology? Its importance

    2.  Drivers of Change: Technology and Humans

    3.  Anticipating the Future: Scenario Building

    4.  Malthus: Limits to Growth and Thereafter

    5.  Ray Kurzweil and the singularity

    6.  Planning and Executing for Flourishing and Thriving in the Future


Decision Making 101

    1.  Formulating a Decision Making Problem

    2.  Decision Making under Constraints

    3.  Attributes of a Good Decision

    4.  Approaches to Decision making

    5.  Improving Your Decision making Skills

    6.  Data Driven Decision Making: Mathematics for Decision Making


Creativity 101

    1.  The criticality of Creativity for Success in a Learning Society

    2.  Can creativity be taught?

    3.  Barriers to Creativity and overcoming them.

    4.  Exercises to enhance Creativity

    5.  Measures of Creativity

    6.  Making Creativity a Habit


Innovation 101

    1.  The importance of Innovation

    2.  Examples of Great Innovation

    3.  The process of Innovation

    4.  Intellectual Property and Innovation

    5.  Creative, Innovative and Design Thinking: Distinguishing between them

    6.  National Innovation Index Project of the UK


Ethics 101

    1.  The Importance of Ethics

    2.  Legal but not ethical

    3.  Philosophical Considerations

    4.  Business Ethics

    5.  Social Ethics

    6.  Future Ethical Dilemmas: clones, artificial life, etc.


C: This is a 3 hour post course work/mini-project to apply the learning to one's context or areas of interest. The activities to be done would cover :

    ♦   Posting on a Wiki

    ♦   Writing a Blog

    ♦   Creating a series of tweets

    ♦   Making and uploading a video on YouTube

    ♦   PowerPoint slides on SlideShare

    ♦   An essay on Scribd, etc.


Learners would be encouraged to experience a variety of means of expression, preferably a different for each project.