About the Event

Even if we may not entirely agree that we are nearing a singularity, as the futurist and inventor Ray Kuzweil propounds, we are surely at a cusp and witnessing a major transition in the world.
As the year 2011 is about to close and while heralding the new year, we propose to reflect, pause, ponder over where we stand and the best ways forward. This is a continuation of a thought process started last year to herald the advent of the 2nd decade of the 21st century.
As new challenges arise, we need to turn to education, because it is educators who make an 'expert' out of an 'ignoramus' and doing that swiftly and for large numbers is what we urgently need.
Education is facing several challenges and it is getting clear that we cannot rely on knowledge and experiences of the past to develop a model of education appropriate for the future. This event presents the key and important developments during the year, thus helping create forward looking plans for educational leaders.
We will be looking at not only local, regional and national issues and concerns, but observe and comment on International developments. For example Uruguay has given a laptop to every learner and teacher, Korea plans to do away with traditional textbooks and have only digital textbooks by 2015 and in Finland, Broadband is a Fundamental right.
We have also been requested to run workshops that teach best teaching-learning practices in emerging areas to aspiring and motivated educators. Last year we did one on 'Educating the Facebook Generation' that dealt with Social Media and Learning. This year has seen the explosion of Smartphones and Tablets with many features and the availability of a large number of Apps. Accordingly we are offering, perhaps the only one of its kind, one-day workshop on mobile and hand-held learning. This workshop covers not only pedagogical and epistemic implications of mobile and handheld learning, but also practical examples and hands on practice.
The programme is designed to facilitate networking and interaction with other delegates and express one's opinions, at the sessions and provide innovative methods for every participant to contribute, such as Pecha Kucha presentations and Social Media.
I warmly invite you & your organization to participate in this event and contribute to the transformation of our education system.

Founder Trustee
LMP Education Trust