Prof. M.M. Pant is
promoting the ideation, develop-ment and delivery of educational
products, processes and services for the next generation learning
space in the post Internet post WTO world. In tune with the
emerging Knowledge Economy, he is exploring the creation of quality
Knowledge products and ways of enhancing the productivity of Knowledge
Drawing on his varied experience over 40 years, in research, teaching, administration and managing Government and private enterprises, he is now on designing and building systems that can meet the challenges of an inclusive education of high quality. Professor Pant has been associated with many educational organizations as member of committees or working groups, such as the — AICTE, AIMA, CBSE, CEC, EDCIL, EISA, MEDIA LAB ASIA, NCERT, NCTE, NIOS, NUEPA, UGC and several Universities. He has been closely linked with the IIT system, acquiring his Ph.D. from IIT, Roorkee, having been a faculty member at IIT, Kanpur and a member of the Board of Governors at IIT, Delhi.
His personal commitment is for enhancing human capital through personalized and inclusive education, and transforming teacher training to foster the development of a professional group of independent educators.
His contribution in this field are proposing new constructs such as "Learning metrics, Learning kinetics, Educational informatics' to enhance learner motivation and the yearning to learn, learning to think, developing ways of monitoring epistemic development to achieve the required goals and outcomes.
He is leading the formation of a new business landscape for education, having founded a very successful enterprise and encouraging several start up in finding their way in the new maze of educational opportunities.