

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Electronic structure of alpha brass”, Phys. Rev. 184, 635 (1969).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Crystal Potentials in energy band calculations of noble metals ”, Phys. Rev. 184,
        639 (1969).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi,“Green’s function method for energy bands in disordered alloys – application to
”, Phys. Rev. 186, 675 (1969).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Band structure of dilute Ag-In alloys”, Phys. Letters 28A, 556 (1969).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Electronic structure of Cu-Al from a coherent potential approach”, Phys. Letters 31A,
        238 (1970).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Green’s function method for energy bands in disordered alloys II. Band structure of
        disordered Cu3Au
”, Phys. Rev. B1, 506 (1970).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Special density of states in disordered beta brass”, Phys. Rev. B1, 2532 (1970).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Electronic structure of alpha brass – coherent potential approach”, Phys. Rev. B2,
        1704 (1970)

Pic 1M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “A first principles calculation of the Knight shift in sodium”, Physics Letters 36A,
        133 (1971)

Pic 1S. Pendyala, M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “APW calculation of the band structure of Cd”, Canad. J.Phys. 49,
        2633 (1971).

Pic 1M.M. Pant, M.P. Das and S.K. Joshi, “Density of electronic states in liquid Al”, Phys. Rev. B4, 4379 (1971).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and A.K. Rajagopal, “Theory of inhomogeneous magnetic electron gas”, Solid State Comm. 10,
        1157 (1972).

Pic 1B.Y. Tong and M.M. Pant, “Nuclear Contact Densities for electrons in sodium”, Phys. Rev. B6, 1195 (1972).

Pic 1M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Paramagnetic spin susceptibility of alkali metals”, Can. J. Phys. 50, 2678 (1972).

Pic 1M.M. Pant, M.P. Das and S.K. Joshi, “Density of electronic states in liquid Be”, Phys. Rev. B7, 4741 (1973).

Pic 1M.M. Pant “Noise Pollution”, Science Resource Letter 5, 13 (1973).

Pic 1A.K. Das and M.M. Pant, “Density matrix approach to Knight shift–use of a model pseudopotential”, J. Phys. Soc.,
        Japan, 37, 1259 (1974).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and M.P. Das, “Work Functions of alkali metals”, J. Phys. F, 5, 1301 (1975).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Coherent potential and pseudoatoms in a model alloy”, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 67(b), K 131 (1975).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and M.P. Das, “Charge transfer effects in alkali–noble metal alloys”, Phys. Stat. Solidi  (b) 70, K75

Pic 1 N.K. Sodi and M.M. Pant, “Electronic structure of DNA”, Ind. J. of Biophys. and Biochem. 12, 216 (1975).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Experiment with self–paced instruction in undergraduate Physics”, J. of Phys. Education, 3, 1 (1975).

Pic 1 R. Mehrotra and M.M. Pant, “Static and dynamic displacements near a surface”, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 73,
        K27 (1976).

Pic 1 R Mehrotra, M.M. Pant and M P Das, “Electronic structure and adhesive energies at a bimetallic interface”, Solid
        State Comm. 18, 199 (1976).

Pic 1 R. Mehrotra and M.M. Pant, “Long Wavelength vibrational modes in an ionic crystal slab”, Phys. Stat. Solidi (b) 88,
        K131 (1978).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, J. Govindarajan and B.Y. Tong, “Natural  frequencies of composite cylinders – application to the vertebral
”, J. Bioengineering, 2, 389 (1978).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and J.D. Talman, “Impulse Compton profiles from optimized effective local atomic potential”, Phys. Rev.,
        A17, 1819 (1978).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, J. Govindarajan and B.Y. Tong, “Computation of gravity effects of two and three dimensional objects
        with radial symmetry
”, Computers & Geosciences, 1979.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Variationally–optimized muffin–tin potentials for band calculations”, I.C.T.P. Report.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Pressure dependence of melting of metals”, Physics of the earth and planetary interiors, 17, 14

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and J.D. Talman, “Atomic properties of Ne, Ar & Kr, from an optimized potential model for atoms”, Phys.
        Letters, 68A, 154 (1978).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “T. matrix theory of density of states in disordered alloys–application to beta brass”,
        N.B.S. Symposium, Gaithesburg, Maryland, November 1969.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “The greenian method for energy bands in disordered alloys”, D.A.E. Symposium, Madras,
        February 1968.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Fermi surface and energy bands of Ag by the Green’s function method”, D.A.E.
        Symposium, Mumbai, December 1968.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Coherent potential model for real disordered alloys”, D.A.E. Symposium, Mumbai,
        December 1968.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and S.K. Joshi, “Generalization of the coherent potential theory to alloys with short range order”, D.A.E.
        Symposium, Madurai, December 1970.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, M.P. Das and S.K. Joshi, “Density of electronic states in liquid beryllium”, D.A.E. Symposium, December

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Positive and negative work functions of alkali metals”, Indo–Soviet Conference on Solid State
        Materials, Bangalore, December 1972.

Pic 1 M.P. Das and M.M. Pant, “Electronic states in a tight binding model for disordered systems”, D.A.E. Symposium,
        Bangalore, December 1973.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Modelling for populations of aquatic vegetation”, Regional seminar on Noxious aquatic vegetation in
        Tropics and sub–tropics, New Delhi, December 1973.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, M.L.C. Leung and B.Y. Tong, “Switching in predation as amechanism for coexistence in prey
”, 1st International Congress of Ecology, The Hague, September 1974.

Pic 1 M.P. Das, S.K. Joshi and M.M. Pant, “Electronic structure of a disordered binary alloy: alpha Cu–Al”, D.A.E.
        Symposium, Mumbai 1974.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and M.P. Das, “On the magnetization in magnetic films”, D.A.E. Symposium, Mumbai 1974.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and H.D. Bist, “Attitudes to science in developing countries”, Conference on Logic, Methodology and
        Philosophy of Science, London, Ontario, September 1975.

Pic 1 K.V. Leung, B.Y. Tong, F.C. Choo and M.M. Pant, “Behaviour of the density of states in Ge near band edge”,
        American Physical Society Meeting, Washington, March 1978.

Pic 1 B.Y. Tong and M.M. Pant, “Evaluation of Local Green’s function of Large Systems in Condensed Matter”, American
        Physical Society Meeting, Washington, March 1978.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and J.D. Talman, “Application of an optimized local atomic potential”, American Physical Society Meeting,
        Washington, March 1978.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Normal modes of vibration of the vertebral column”, Sixth Annual New England
        Bioengineering Conference, Kingston, R.I., March 1978.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Conduction due to band edge electrons in amorphous Ge”, Canadian Association of
        Physicists Congress, London, Ont., June 1978.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, B. Hede  and B.Y. Tong, “Wave function localization in two and three dimensional random binary alloys”,
        Canadian Association of Physicists Congress, London, Ont., June 1978.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant  “Modelling for populations of aquatic vegetation”, AQUATIC WEEDS IN S.F., pp. 127–130 (1976).

Pic 1 S.K. Mitra and M.M. Pant  “Thermodynamics of the anharmonic oscillator”, Chem. Phys. Letters, 62(3), 495 (1979).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant  “Dependance of crop yield on planting pattern”, Annals of Botany, 44, 513–17 (1979).

Pic 1 M.M. Pant  “Science, Technology and law–their interaction”, Symposium on “Social perspective of Development of
        Science & Technology in India” conducted by Kanpur Univ. & Academy of Social Sciences, May 2–3, 1981.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant  “Computers and Law–their interactions”, Regional Seminar on Computer and Law, Computer Society
        of India, Allahabad Chapter, 1983.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant  “Solving current educational problems through modern technological aids”, Seminar on “Challenge of
        education – A policy perspective”, January 19 & 20, 1986, University of Allahabad.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.L. Agarwal,  “Use of computer in Medicine Programming rheumatic fever”, S.L.R. Course, Indian
        Medical Association, 1985.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Classification of Commodities for Sales Tax”, Salex Tax Literature, 1981.

Pic 1 B.Y. Tong and M.M. Pant, “Electronic Band Structure of random binary alloys”, Phys. Rev.

Pic 1 B.Y. Tong and M.M. Pant, “Quantum percolation in random binary alloys”, J. Phys. C.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Quantum percolation in random binary alloys”, J. Phys. C.

Pic 1 K.V. Leung, B.Y. Tong, F.C. Choo and M.M. Pant, “Density of states near the band edges in amorphous Ge”,
        Canad. J. Phys.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Influence of density of states in the tail region on the d.c. conductivity of amorphous Ge”,
        Canad. J. Phys.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant and B.Y. Tong, “Variable range hopping with exponential density of states”, Canad. J. Phys.

Pic 1 Akshoy Rekhi and M.M. Pant, “Legal Informatics: The emerging frontier”,  presented at workshop on Computers
        & Law, expected to be published in Journal of Indian Law Institute 1992.

Pic 1 Akshoy Rekhi and M.M. Pant, “Impact of Information Technology on the Legal System”,  Indian Computing
        Congress, Hyderabad, December 1991.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Legal Issues arising in use of Expert Systems in Engineering”,  Conference on Expert Systems in
        Engineering, Institution of Engineers, Hyderabad, February 1992.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Computers in Open Learning System”,  Educational Technology Year Book 1988, All India Association
        of Educational Technology.

Pic 1 V.K. Malhotra and M.M. Pant, “Computer Based Training:  An Agenda for Implementation”, Annual Convention of
        AIAET, Bhubaneshwar, December 1991.

Pic 1 P.S. Venkataraman and M.M. Pant, “New Horizons in Communication; (Computer–based) tools and techniques”,
        seminar on Communication for Managerial Excellence, India International Centre, New Delhi, May 1991.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Learner Models: A quantitiative approach”, Indian Journal of Open Learning, (to be published), 1992.

Pic 1 B. Vyas and M.M. Pant, “Computer Virus: What it is and how to cope with it”, (to be published), 1992.

Pic 1 M.B. Menon and M.M. Pant, “Role of Computer in continuous internal assessment in an Open University System”,
        Media and Technology in Human Resource Development 1992 (to be published).

Pic 1 Madhavi Sharma and M.M. Pant, “A PC–based approach to analysis of dispersal of resources: Application to IGNOU
        Study Centres
”, Annual Convention of AIAET, Bhubaneshwar, December 1991.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “The Influence of Software Engineering on course Development Methodology for Distance Education”,
        Accepted for presentation at 16th ICDE World Conference, Distance Education in the 21st century, STOU,
        Bangkok, November 1992.

Pic 1 D.C. Pant and M.M. Pant, “On–demand examination: A learner centred evaluation system”, Accepted for
        presentation at 16th ICDE World Conference, Distance Education in the 21st century, STOU, Bangkok,
        November 1992.

Pic 1 A. Rekhi and M.M. Pant, “Role of Law in Regulating AIDS”, First National Conference on AIDS, Mumbai,
        28–29 March 1992.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “AIDS Information Systems: An integrated approach to intervention prevention and education”,
        (to be published) 1992.

Pic 1 T.U. Fulzele and M.M. Pant, “Needs of Software in Indian Languages for An Open Educational System”, National
        Convention on Information Technology Application in Indian Languages organized by CSI, Bhubaneshwar
        Chapter on February 7–9, 1992.

Pic 1 M.M. Pant, “Computers and Law: On the Eve of A Watershed”, DATAQUEST, December 1991.

[This list needs updation]