Professional Profile


Experience Abroad

Pic 1Taught in the University of Western Ontario, London Ontario as a teaching post-doc and later as a visiting
        professor on sabbatical leave from I.I.T., Kanpur.

Pic 1Visited the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy four times and was a member of their
        Associateship scheme; have a visiting scientist to major research centers in Europe (England, Germany,

Pic 1Delivered talks and seminars at a number of international conferences.

Pic 1Visited UK Open University Milton-Keynes and have extensively interacted with UKOU in setting up the
        IGNOU computer division.

Pic 1Was part of a delegation led by Secretary, Department of Electronics, Govt. of India to Canada and USA to
        explore collaborative possibilities in I.T. enabled distance education.

Educational Innovation

Pic 1Was first to introduce Keller Plan of teaching Physics in India. A full report of this experiment is published
        in Indian Journal of Physics Education.

Pic 1Pioneered the development of Computer Supported Learning Systems, and implemented it as the
        Virtual Campus initiative of IGNOU.

Pic 1Introduced computer education programmed in Hindi medium to make available CIC and DCO programs of
        IGNOU in Hindi. This venture was supported by the Dept. of Electronics, Govt. of India.


Pic 1Fellow, Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers.

Pic 1Life Member, All India Association of Educational Technology.

Pic 1Life Member, Indian Association of Physics Teachers.

Pic 1 Life Member, Indian Academy of Social Sciences.

Pic 1Life Member, National Academy of Sciences.

Pic 1 Life Member, Indian Institute of Public Administration.

Pic 1Life Member, Computer Society of India.

Professional Profile

Pic 1With a strong background in Physical Sciences, including mathematical techniques and computer applications,
        the emphasis has been on understanding, design, development and implementation of systems.

Pic 1Experience of practice of law provides the experience of social implications and the framework within which
        newer technology is to be assimilated.

Pic 1Always interested in innovative and challenging aspects. In 1975 at IIT, Kanpur experimented with Keller Plan
        of teaching Physics. In 1974 was script writer for the film ATOMS produced by IIT, Kanpur which won both
        International and National Awards for being the best educational film of the year. Introduced a post-graduate
        course in Ecology at IIT, Kanpur, when its need was perceived.

Pic 1Currently specially interested in induction of Information technology in the country. Have written articles,
        participated in seminars, stimulated colleagues regarding these. Towards creating a public awareness, also
        projected these concepts through computer magazines, popular lectures, and T.V. appearances.

Pic 1Had been associated with the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (founded by
        Prof. Abdus Salaam, Nobel Laureate in Physics), which had special focus on developing countries. In addition
        to involvement in research activity at the center, participated in discussions on policy issues, especially
        for developing countries.

Pic 1 Have worked in Canada, at the University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario as a teaching post-doc, and
        later as a visiting Professor, on sabbatical leave from I.I.T., Kanpur.

Pic 1As a result of having experience as an Advocate at the Allahabad High court, could convincingly put forth
        and negotiate issues in the best interest, and towards furtherance of the organization I represented.
        Though not directly obvious, these skills helped in arriving at the right information systems for IGNOU,
        involving as it did clearances and approvals from the Governments of India, U.K. and U.S.A. and technical
        acceptance from experts both within India and from U.K., and more recently in international agreements on
        courseware development.

Pic 1As a senior member of IGNOU’s academic team, and also involved with information systems development,
        have had opportunity to discuss issues touching on the systems with distinguished persons in the field in
        India and abroad.

Pic 1As Founding Director of the School of Computer and Information Sciences at IGNOU, steered the development
        of programmes for Computers in Office Management, Bachelor's and Master's Programmes in Computer
        Applications, an awareness Certificate in Computing. Have recently initiated projects in computer education
        through use of Internet and implemented as the Virtual Campus.


As Founding Director of IGNOU’s computer division, was involved with setting up of the computer facility to support the IGNOU functions. The salient features of this efforts are:

Pic 1Anticipating the needs of a system of education that is still evolving and taking shape.

Pic 1Co-operation and interaction with the UKOU in setting up the systems.

Pic 1Training of staff, both within the division and outside in relevant skills, also invoking computer based training.

Pic 1Planning a hardware / Software strategy in very fast changing environment so that there is continuity in the
        overall system.

Pic 1Creating a positive attitude towards computer usage in the administration of the University.

Pic 1Within the constraints of spare time available, have interacted with other organizations and have taken
        special interest in strategies for computerization. For example, as Chairman of a Committee constituted by
        V.C. Delhi University, a report was submitted for modernization and computerization of their School of
        Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education. This has now taken the shape of Campus of Open

Pic 1Doctoral Thesis: The title of the thesis was ‘Electronic Spectra of Ordered and Disordered Systems’. The
        Research Guide was Professor S K Joshi (Former) Director General, CSIR and the work involved extensive
        use of computers. The thesis was examined and approved by Prof. N F Mott, Nobel Laureate in Physics.

Pic 1Published Research Work: More than 80 papers in various aspects of theoretical atomic and solid state
        physics, biophysics, geophysics, botany, bioengineering, computer programming, environmental pollution,
        ecology, science education, legal informatics, interpretation of statutes, application of computers in education,

Pic 1Experience Abroad: Have visited the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy four times
        and was a member of their Associateship scheme; have been a visiting scientist to major research centers in
        Europe (England, Germany, Sweden).

Pic 1Have spent more than two and a half years at University of Western Ontario, London, Canada firstly as a
        post-doc and later as a visiting Professor. Have delivered talks and seminars in a number of international
        conferences. Have been a visitor to UK Open University and have extensively interacted with UKOU in setting
        up the IGNOU computer division.

Pic 1Award: Have written the script of an educational film called ATOMS, which was produced at I.I.T., Kanpur and
        won the International Cup of Rome Award for being the best educational film for the year 1974. Subsequently
        it also won the national award for that year.

New role and IT Strategy for IGNOU

Pic 1Beginning with application of computers to automate manual operations, IGNOU is now moving towards open
        learning with IT as the main agent. Thus use of interactive learning networks implemented as LAN and WAN,
        use video-teleconferencing and digital multi-media are part of the new IT strategy, which is being
        implemented now.

Pic 1Because of these efforts, IGNOU is today perceived as a leader in the use of Internet and related emerging
        technologies in the field of education.